
Here is a link to the online application. Please save a PDF of your application for your records. While we look forward to having female Fellows in the future, at this time, the Fellows Program is limited to male applicants only. Application deadline for the Summer 2024 program is March 1, 2024. Please apply early, as we may offer early acceptance in some cases. Decisions on applications for the 2024 Summer Program will be made by March 21, 2024.

Program Dates 

The Dallas Fellows summer 2024 program will begin in Dallas at 5pm on May 31, 2024, and concludes on Friday, July 26.

Selection Process

The selection process will include both the written application and personal interviews with Dallas Fellows Advisory Board Members. We are looking for college students entering their junior or senior year. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a strong desire to learn how to better integrate their faith and future vocation and whose vocational interests appear to be a good fit with available internship opportunities. The selection process also will focus on identifying young men who demonstrate a desire to grow in their faith and to live in a community with other Fellows and caring adults. Finally, we prefer applicants come in pairs, so get a friend to apply with you.